Yup..it's true!!! I can do CPR now!!! Not only that, I can do a whole lot more..hahaha...the fact that i just recieved my First Aid certificate yesterday made me feel a whole lot better (it's not that i never had that certificate b4, but i was afraid that as a doctor-in-making, i wouldnt pass the first aid exam..)hahaha.. you know, we waited for almost a year and a half just to get that certificate..just imagine if i didnt recieve that cert..what sort of impression would that give to other person:
eiii...doktor pun takde first aid basics..nak sentuh2 org plak..
waaaaa!!!! what a nightmare..Alhamdulillah i passed it..and congrats to others who recieved it as well yesterday...rasanya sume dapat..most 2nd year medic students recieve their certificates yesterday...bangga plak bila nama PA aku..Dr.Chew Keng Sheng yang sangatla lawak tu ada kat dalam cert..hohohoho....(hmmm....it's been a while since the last time i visited him..maybe i should see him a little bit often..btw..exam nak dekat..wakakaka)
But one thing ponders me ever since yesterday....why dental students aren't given their certificate? is there any conspiracy leading to that situation?? i still remembered Ira made an announcement today (terkejut aku when she managed to wake up this morning and actually MANAGED to make that announcement..haha):
student dental takkan dapat sijil sebab sijil tu untuk bdak medik
well..at least it sounded like that..(echoing: untuk budaK medik saja 5x)...
it made me feel horrible as if my school has done something bad to them...i was like caught in between me..defending the so called the honour of my school and my friendship with all of the dental students..well..this is just not fair..
so, i texted my funny-looking PA to ask about this..he said that PPSP only gave the certificate to its students..coz they've only promised to give out certificates to PPSP students only..(for those yang tak tau PPSP tu apa..it's Pusat Pengajian Sains Perubatan)...but if they really want certificates for themselves..dental students should refer to their school about this..make an arrangement with their own Dean..lagi pon takkanla dr gigi takde basic in first aid kot..kan?
anyway, Ira..you better ask your dean regarding this matter...i've tried my part in this..(im sooo going to be killed for calling her Ira..hahahah)...
Kami dalam penuh kepura-puraan..hahaha
Naxeef..pas ni bleyla aku bagi CPR kat ko kalo ko lelah lagi...wakakaka
p/s: there's something stupid i want you to see..haha..pali..pali..memang ko takde keje langsung.,...tgkla tangan aku menepis pali yang bengong..wakaka
ah haaa~ thankx for the thought, hazwani, and uhm... adakah anda ingat saya akan berdiam diri dan biarkan perkara tersebut berlaku? no way ho zay, the very next day lpas aku dpt tahu psl x dpt cert tu, aku announced dkat dk, tapi after that trus jumpa phase coordinator. luahkan rasa x puas hati hhahaha, n then Dr Noorliza kata dia faham yg ktorg pn went through the same process n dia willing to aturkan budget utk first aid cert utk budak dental. just that i had to bring a sample of the cert (which i got from Nik Hamster) n bawa ke pjabat akademik.
ReplyDeleteso you can feel content now hahaaa~ aku kan fast-acting suka complain punya ketua hahaaahaahahahaa~
aku ingat dental student dapat cert tu
so aku diam jelah..
pgi tadi bila ko announce (aku tkejut ko bley bagun pagi!!!)..baru aku tau..
aku terus contact PA aku..
pape pon..
kira korang akan dapatla..
p/s: ko nak panggil aku hazwani ke..apa ke aku tak heran la..wakakaka
ReplyDeletexnak aku cpr dari ko~...hmpphf~..:D
haha~...wats the purpose of the vid?
ingat kan ko nak intro awek2 cun USM..
yup ^_^ thank God!